About My Assignment to Haiti

Daniella will be working for three months in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, as part of the MCC team, helping office staff improve accounting procedures to deal with the generous monetary response to the earthquake disaster in January 2010.

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. To find out more about MCC, visit their website at http://mcc.org/.
While wanting to share my experience in Haiti with family and friends, I've also chosen to extend the invitation to my professional network, particularly those engaged in the field of accounting. I've been thinking a lot about Accountability lately. I'd like to invite you to join me, as I explore what accountability means to us as accountants, both within the global economy and the global community. I will attempt to explore this larger issues while describing a very specific case of how not for profits attempt to be accountable to donors for disaster relief funding in a very unique context.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend Outing in the Mountains

I had a glorious day today up in the mountains with a wonderful young couple, Ben and Alexis, who also work for MCC. We drove up winding roads lined with rock faced walls tumbling with flowers and vines, and beautiful homes hugging the steep landscape. Yes, there were plenty of potholes, tap taps and garbage along side the road to remind you that you were in Haiti. Nonetheless, I was very impressed with the beautiful countryside and home of the elite, as I understand. After about 45 minutes we got out and climbed right up to the top of one of the mountains, where we sat in a cow pasture under some stately pine trees and enjoyed watching the clouds race up the moutainside and swirl up into the air when they reached the top.

At one point on our walk, I found a small cross on the path, picked it up and put it in my pocket. Ben informed me that it may be a gift to the spirits. I laughed it off, until my camera mysteriously disappeared, and I hastily tossed the cross back on the path. I also found the small child's coffin alongside the path a little disconcerting - also a possible voodoo symbol. Not sure what to think of it all, this I believe - as a Christian, I have a personal faith in the greatest Spirit of all. You can not ignore the spiritual world in this country. This was not going to spoil my day!

So no pictures today, and not until I can find a replacement camera. Instead, I'll direct you to some great pictures on Ben and Alexis blog. Check it out at the link on the side!


peter grafe said...

I know what you are saying Danie about the spiritism thing. I encountered the same 'fear factor' in Bermuda and had to consciously fight against it (tree crashed down right next to my motorbike after not giving the tree 'homage' according to one girl). This whole experience is so exciting for you - thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed that you decided to serve in Haiti and to challenge those of us living in the wealthy parts of the global community to think about accountability.

I am impressed by your willingness to leave everything behind and to see where God will lead you. It is not easy to leave a family behind.

I am impressed by the trust you exemplify in God, your family, and your wider community.

I wish you well and hope you will be able to get a camera soon so that you will be able to share pictures of your experience as well.

Blessings to you,
Kathy Koop

Alexis said...

We had a wonderful time! Thanks for joining us.