About My Assignment to Haiti

Daniella will be working for three months in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, as part of the MCC team, helping office staff improve accounting procedures to deal with the generous monetary response to the earthquake disaster in January 2010.

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. To find out more about MCC, visit their website at http://mcc.org/.
While wanting to share my experience in Haiti with family and friends, I've also chosen to extend the invitation to my professional network, particularly those engaged in the field of accounting. I've been thinking a lot about Accountability lately. I'd like to invite you to join me, as I explore what accountability means to us as accountants, both within the global economy and the global community. I will attempt to explore this larger issues while describing a very specific case of how not for profits attempt to be accountable to donors for disaster relief funding in a very unique context.

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010 Poised for Adventure

Tomorrow we are leaving at 2:30 am (yes, that is a brutal time for departure) to drive to Philadelphia and catch a flight to Miami and on to Port-au-Prince by supper. How do I feel? Well, how I feel is largely irrelevant, as I probably really don't know the full extent of what I'm getting myself into. But yes, I do believe I am excited.

Orientation was fantastic. It was thought provoking, inspiring, and provided us with skills to view the context of our new environment while taking care of ourselves and relationships around us.

Check out the official MCC approach to service work in the picture at the side. Yes, they've thought about accountability, too. They describe the service process as one of "mutual transformation, accountability and capacity building". I'm not sure sure yet what that means, but we'll think about it.

Here are a couple of pictures from a walk about town. Very different from what I'll wake up to morning after next!

1 comment:

Michael Thom said...

Hi Aunt Dani,
heard you made it there safely. Sad I didn't get to say goodbye; glad to see I can follow you here! The pictures on FB look familiar. I'm praying lots for you and glad that God has brought this opportunity to you!